Wednesday, May 1, 2013

BuhBuh TV

We did it. We cut the cord to cable/satellite television. For an entire month we have survived without the news telling us we live in the most horrible times, without commercials telling us what snack crackers need to be in our pantry, and even without a play by play of our beloved Atlanta Braves. The baseball games are the only part I'm not kidding about. We kinda miss that, but not enough to shell out $85 a month.

We do use the Internet for streaming some content, but we choose what enters our household! No more intruding blah blah blah about the trendy political scandals! Hooray!!! No more toy ads enticing Luke to want more and more! Hooray!!! No more flashing Big Macs in my face to make me drool! Hip Hip Hooray!!!

As I sit here alone on a rare occasion, I don't hear anything but the frogs and a train. It's calm. I'm calm. And I'm $85 richer every month.

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