Friday, May 3, 2013

Don't Blow It

Well, I just blew it and allowed temporary gratification get the better of me. Four chocolate chip cookies later and I sit here dreading the possible side effects.


I'm hoping the gluten gods will see I'm remorseful and give me a break this time. Doh! As Homer Simpson would say.

Prevent this kind of mishap by being prepared with easy healthier for you options and by not skipping meals. Oh and not allowing yourself to wallow in a bad mood helps too- I'm guilty of all three presently.

So, in hindsight I shouldn't have skipped dinner or at the very least I should have had a plan for what I'd eat later. I could have had a Lara Bar, some corn chips with salsa, even a whole bar of dark chocolate would have been better. My knees ache for days after gluten. My skin breaks out. My stomach is a mess. I get lethargic and blah. Just a few of the fun things that happen.

Bad mood fix? Oh with my 20/20 hindsight I see I should have moved around and done something enjoyable. Instead I chose to lay around and think about feeling upset. I wallowed in it like a pig. Oink.

OK. I made an error and have thought of solutions for future temptation. Let's see if I can apply it next time. Acknowledge and move on.

Later y'all-

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