Friday, February 22, 2013

Rainy Day Play

Looks like it will be raining again tomorrow...sigh.  Oh well.  I do love sunny Saturdays, but rainy days have their own charm.  I hope little dude is better tomorrow after having a fever all evening.  He rarely gets sick, but has been fighting something all week and it came to a head tonight.  I can't even remember the last time he had a fever- Maybe November before last?  

So, what's it like at your house on a rainy weekend day?  We live in a rural area so outsourced entertainment isn't always convenient.  Bowling alleys, malls, indoor playgrounds, and such are at least a 30 minute drive from our home.  My husband and I are closet geeks in that we enjoy reading every chance we get.  He's read more spy and tough guy, hero books than I can imagine possible plots to.  I've read more health books and articles than, I'm sure, he can imagine being interesting.  I also cook way more food than we can eat. It feels productive.  So, there's lots of nerdom going on.  Meanwhile, our son can be found playing Legos, pirates, and grocery store in 30 minute shifts.  He also watches some TV, plays a little Xbox Kinnect, and usually demands a somewhat friendly game of cards.  He's into the game War right now.  Having an ace is a sign of supreme power in his world.

Pretty low key, low energy stuff.  Days like that are awesome.  True rest is overlooked sometimes in our hectic lives and we suffer for it.  But honestly, it's just in me and I have to pull out an active game even on days like that.  My favorite indoor game we do is balloon tennis.  Yeah, I'm pretty lax about rough housing- I guess I encourage it.  If you'd like to quieten your "Mamma Voice" and have ten minutes of fun with your kids, check out this game.

You're gonna need 3 things:  a balloon, 2 spatulas

Find an open space and serve it up.  Hit the balloon back and forth.  Make up your own rules as you go to fit your kid and situation.  Just don't make too many rules.  Have fun and laugh.

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