Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Healthy Child is a Happy Child

   Welcome and thank you for reading the inaugural post of The Healthy, Happy Child Project.  The aim of this blog is to share ideas and information concerning the health and wellness of children in your life.  I am both a Physical Education teacher and a mother, so the topic is close to my heart.

    There is much discussion in the media and health industry about the current state of our youth's health.  You've got obesity, depression, ADHD, diabetes, violence, and the list truly could go on for an hour I'm sure.  Although we will certainly discuss the looming problems along the way, my intention is to primarily focus on solutions.  Problems, we've got those covered.  Solutions, we need'em. 

   I have my theories and personal beliefs about why many children (and many former children, now  adults ) are in a less than happy, healthy place in life.  We will explore those ideas, discredit some, and try again.  I'm okay with being wrong.  I love being right.  And I'm all for learning new points of view.  I may not adopt the point of view, then again, I just might.

    I hope that this blog will evolve into a well rounded source for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of children.  However, to begin with I will likely concentrate on physical activity and nutrition. 

    Later y'all





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