Thursday, February 28, 2013

Horse Around

Ok. It's the dead of winter and there are way more indoor days than I would like. Thankfully here in Georgia we are blessed with more 60 degree winter days than many places- but that hasn't been happening much. It can be a challenge to keep your child from sitting like a zombie doing mindless things such as TV or video games. I know!

And folks playing isn't rocket science. Many of the ideas I share are classics or a spin on a classic. Just seems many make it more complicated than it needs to be.

So if the weather has you down, bring the the game HORSE inside. It's a quick set up, minimal equipment, and it's something your child will be able organize on his/her own once you've taught them.

A ball or something soft OK for throwing inside (I like aluminum foil balls)
A goal of some sort- empty trash can or box

Guidelines for two players:
The first player takes a shot at the goal from anywhere in the play area. If the first shooter misses, the shot goes to the next player. They also may shoot from anywhere one time. This continues until someone makes a shot. Once a person makes a shot, the next shooter must make an identical shot from the same spot. If they don't, they get an "H". The first player would again get to shoot from anywhere. Play continues in this way until someone has completed the word "HORSE" by matching the opponents made shots.

Have fun. Later y'all-

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