Thursday, April 11, 2013


Short post here. Today I made my first ever trip to Trader Joe's because I was in Atlanta for the day. I'd heard the buzz about their great prices on healthier foods (whatever your idea about that may be).

I saw quite a few options that I liked- organic vegetables and fruits, uncured bacon, raw yogurt, etc. I was very impressed with the prices. Very little difference between price of conventional products and the special products. The grass fed beef hotdogs I bought were $4.99! A bag of organic avacados were $3.50. That's a great value.

As I was looking through the frozen foods I spotted pizzas. They are made in Italy. You know, one of a zillion other places that don't mess with wheat and over process everything. I got to wondering- maybe I could eat one of these once in a blue moon and it wouldn't harm me like the others I use to buy here. I flipped the package over and the short list of ingredients about knocked me over! There's not a essay size list of foreign and weird things. Take a look at the picture below and compare to a Tombstone pizza in your local market. Why?

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